Compassion in World Farming PPC Survey
Thank you for participating in our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Survey on farm animal welfare.
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The survey questions
If elected to Parliament in the 2019 General Election, I pledge to speak up for farm animals by supporting and promoting the following proposals within Parliament:
1. Live exports – I will Introduce and/or support a Bill in the new Parliament that will ban the live export of farm animals from the UK for fattening and slaughter. *
2. End the Cage Age – I will support policies that ensure an end to the use of cage systems for all farm animals on UK farms, particularly hens and pigs. *
3. Trade – I will support policies ensuring the UK cannot conclude any new trade agreement permitting the import of products produced to welfare standards lower than those required by UK law. *
4. Farm subsidies – I will support the introduction of farm support payments, upon the UK exiting the EU, that incentivise farmers to meet genuinely higher animal welfare and environmental standards. *
5. Labelling – I will support the introduction in the UK of mandatory labelling of meat and dairy products as to the farming method to ensure consumers are not kept in the dark on animal welfare and can play their part in driving animal welfare improvements. *
6. Sentience – I commit to supporting/introducing legislation in the next Parliament that will recognise animals as sentient beings. *
7. Antibiotics – I commit to implementing the EU restrictions on farm antibiotic use in full, whatever the outcome of Brexit. *
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