Esports Spring Games SignUp
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First Name *
Last Name *
Student Cell Phone Number *
What other extracurricular activities are you involved with starting in January? *
What OKSE Core Title games would you be interested in particpating in for the Spring season.  If a game costs, you need to provide your own equipment with the game to compete. (You may select more than one or even all of them if interested)
What OKSE Virtual Title games would you be interested in particpating in for the Spring season.  If a game costs (minus iRacing), you need to provide your own equipment with the game to compete. Virtual Titles do offer some flexibility to play from home (again, minus iRacing) but matches take place on that specific day/time after school.  (You may select more than one or even all of them if interested)
What OSSAA Title games would you be interested in particpating in for the Spring season.  These matches are on specific day/time after school, as well.
Are you willing to commit to giving best effort on playing your matches?  A Core Title will most likely be played on the last Saturday of each month.  A Virtual Title and OSSAA game, will have an assigned day each week after school (make sure you have little interference with other activities on that day). *
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