Creative Journal. Printed Book
I'd love your help as I put together ideas for a premium print journal, with the aim of publishing it by Thanksgiving 2017. Here's a questionnaire to collect ideas which I will collate together in February 2017 for the design process.
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Do you like plain or lined journals to write in yourself? *
Do you prefer hardback or soft cover journals? *
Do you like a colored/designed book-style cover, or do you prefer a plain cover? *
What color journal cover would you prefer? *
What are your favorite quotes about writing and creativity that you would like to see in a journal?
Do you have any specific examples of journals you use or have seen that might help with the design? Please include links if you can.
What price would you pay for a premium creativity hardback journal with quotes in? (Think Moleskine or Leuchtturm A5 hardback quality) *
Are you interested in being notified if I produce a journal? (no obligation to buy, of course!) If yes, please leave your name and email below.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
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