PFMA Low Income Food Access Program: Farmer Agreement Form
All vendors must comply with federal rules regarding Food Stamp/SNAP/EBT purchases. If you do not understand the rules, please ask for clarity prior to signing this agreement. Violating the rules will not only stop our market from being able to accept Food Stamp payments, but can also affect the ease in which other farmers and markets around the region use them. Please send questions to:

This agreement only needs to be signed once, upon your acceptance to the Portland Farmers' Market unless otherwise requested.
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Email *
I am a current farm member of the Portland Farmers' Market Association. *
By completing this form, I am agreeing to the following: I have read through and understand the PFMA Low Income Food Access Program and Reimbursement Information for tokens and vouchers, including the SNAP Token and MHB Token Guidelines. I understand the restrictions on accepting GREEN SNAP tokens and ORANGE Maine Harvest Bucks tokens. I will not accept GREEN SNAP Tokens for non-food items. I will not accept ORANGE MHB Tokens for any items other than fruits, food-bearing plants, and vegetables. I will not give cash change back for either SNAP or MHB Tokens. I understand that our and other Maine farmers’ markets’ ability to accept SNAP and SNAP incentive benefits depends on my compliance with these restrictions. I understand that it is my (farm owner’s) responsibility to inform any persons or employees that work at my market booth, of the workings and restrictions of this program.
Please note that reimbursement checks for wooden tokens and market vouchers are issued once per week and may arrive to you 10-14 days (or sooner) once you have handed them in. Tokens and vouchers accepted at the Portland Farmers’ Market will be made out and mailed to the farm name and address listed on your PFMA Application unless otherwise requested. If you have questions or special requests regarding token reimbursements, please contact Jaime Berhanu at   
Your Farm Name *
Please submit your name below, which acts as your signature and agreement to the above statement: *
Thank you for your commitment to keeping this program a success!
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