Seattle Select High Academic Spring/Summer Tryout Registration 2020
***Seattle Select Youth and HS Boys Team Tryouts***
Location: Calvary Church - 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115

Grade level for 2019-2020 school year

3rd Grade Boys - Feb 24th (Monday) 5-6:15pm
4th Grade Boys - Feb 24th (Monday) 5-6:15pm
5th Grade Boys - Feb 24th (Monday) 6:15-7:30pm
6th Grade Boys - Feb 24th (Monday 7:30-8:45pm
7th Grade Boys - Feb 27th (Thursday) 5-6:15pm
8th Grade Boys - Feb 27th (Thursday) 6:15-7:30pm
9th Grade Boys - Feb 27th (Thursday) 7:30-8:45pm and Mar 8th TBA for players at state.
10th Grade Boys - Mar 1st (Sunday) 5-6:30pm and Mar 8th TBA for players at state.
11th/12th Grade Boys - Mar 1st (Sunday) 6:30-8pm and Mar 8th TBA for players at state.

***Seattle Select Girls Team Tryouts***
Location: Calvary Church - 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115

Grade level for 2019-2020 school year

4th Grade Girls - Mar 12th (Thursday) 6:45-7:45pm
5th Grade Girls - Mar 12th (Thursday) 6:45-7:45pm
6th Grade Girls - Mar 12th (Thursday) 7:45-8:45pm
7th Grade Girls - Mar 12th (Thursday) 7:45-8:45pm

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Email *
Student-Athlete's First and Last Name *
Parent Name(s) *
Primary Phone # *
Secondary  Phone #
Emails (Please separate additional emails with a comma) *
Student-Athlete's 2019/2020 Grade Level *
Current or Cum GPA (please do not misrepresent) *
Student-Athlete's Height *
School *
Previous AAU Team *
***Optional***  How did you hear about the tryouts?  Please let us know if this was recommended by someone so we can express our thanks and gratitude.
***Optional***  Comments or information about the student-athlete that we should know before tryouts.  It helps to know more about the player, conflicts, or what they are looking for in a team/program.
If you make a team, will you need financial assistance?  (there is only a certain amount of financial assistance for each team, so if you are requesting a scholarship you should know there are less positions available)   *
There is a one time tryout fee of $5 cash at the door *
Assumption of Risk & Release, Consent for Treatment: Participation in programs sponsored by the Seattle Select Basketball Club and the use of the club's facilities involves potentially hazardous activities such as running, jumping and strenuous exercise, and use of equipment that could lead to serious injury and/or death. I, the undersigned, acknowledge and assume all these risks. In exchange for participation in programs/training and using the club's facilities, I release and agree to hold harmless, the club, their agents, employees, officers, and directors from all injury, death, property damage and expenses, including attorney fees, arising from the participation in the Calvary Church facilities. I, the parent also consent to the above named child being given emergency treatment by staff, physician, EMT, or hospital in case of accident or illness. *
Additional Comments or links to game film/highlights
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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