TourCo 2024-2025 Interest Form
Please fill out the questions below if you are interested in having Neptune Theatre's TourCo perform at your school in spring 2025!

Neptune Theatre's TourCo is excited to present Emilio's A Million Chameleons for grades P-6 and Moose & Hawk / Colonial Park for grades 7-12.

Emilio's A Million Chameleons
Chameleons is a true fun and fabulous who which teaches students about the importance of being true to oneself, carving one's own path and supporting each other. This show features catchy tunes and playful activities and puppetry, transporting audiences into a wonderful world of shimmer and shine that is sure to ignite the kid in all of us.

Moose & Hawk
To be presented in tandm with "Colonial Park", for grades 7-12/College and University; A youth activist is questioned by authorities after the statue of Edward Cornwallis loses his head. Brooke Stephens defends her actions while being interrogated in a police station. Inspired by true events, Brooke takes the audience and the hawk-like policewoman through the historical context of Mi’kmaw oppression.

Colonial Park
To be presented in tandem with "Moose and Hawk"; (formerly titled Mischief) for grades 7-12/College and University; in January 2018, two youths watch the removal of the controversial statue of Edward Cornwallis in downtown Halifax. In recent years, Cornwallis' legacy as founder of the City of Halifax has been overshadowed by his infamous 1749 scalping proclamation. The play tells the story of two young people engaged in conversation around Cornwallis, colonialism, and the fall of colonist statues around the world.
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Contact Name(s): *
School Name: *
Please select which show(s) you are interested in having perform at your school: *
Are you interested in learning more about our Teacher Nights? These are reduced priced tickets and mingling events on select shows throughout the season.  *
Are you also interested in learning about our student matinees?  *
Please share any other educational programs supports, ideas for partnerships and collaboration you may have for the 2024-2025 season? 
Any other questions or comments for Neptune and the Education Department? 
Thank you for filling out the TourCo 2024-2025 Interest Form!
Your school has been added to the TourCo mailing list and will receive updates on booking opportunities in the coming months.
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