54% Power Rebate Exclusive
🎩 Join us and get rewarded for a great performance! 🪄

😍 Share all your best moments, post them on our Community    Bigo Meets 🇺🇸🇨🇦   😍

Join us for our 54% Power Rebate in May, meet other hosts and get yourself rewarded. ⚡

📆 Event run dates:   May 1st-4th, 19th-21st, 25th-28th
🕰️ Event run time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST.

🧲 Rewards Structure 👇

54% Rebate
Max 150,000 beans reward between May 1st and May 4th
Max 25,000 beans reward between May 19th and May 21st
Max 30,000 beans reward between May 25th and May 28th

Go live in Solo or Multiguest Room as a host at least 20 mins within the hour, you can do all event formats you like

⚖️ RULES 👇
- The replacement requests need to be done 24 hours before the event 🕘
-We will conduct an audit on Overseas beans (beans received outside of the US/CA region); if the proportion of Overseas beans exceeds 20% of the total beans received, no rewards will be issued 🌍
- As long as you finish your goal within the time slot you choose, you can leave the event earlier (go live at least 20 mins is still required) 🕔
- Please note the grace period is not allowed, you can only do the rebate within the time slot you selected 🤓
- Please do not choose the same time as your other Power Rebate events, otherwise we will only launch the higher reward 🔝
- Please note that signing up for this event is not a guarantee of getting a slot at this event ☘️
- Please check our external lineup sheet for the final participant lineup 😊
- One host can participate a maximum of 4 times per day.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Host BIGO ID (Please do NOT use your Username) *
Your Agency's Name (Optional)
Your Family's Name (If applicable. You MUST be in a USA/Canada Family).
Dates + Time Slots (All times are PST - please account for the time difference. Sign up for only for ONE slot per day).
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Clear selection
Your WhatsApp Number (Please include the Country Code) *
Your Agency Leader's WhatsApp Number (Please include the Country Code) *
I acknowledge and accept the Rules and Rewards Policy of this event. *
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