DRAFT Cannabis/Cannabidiol Policy NCMS Member Feedback Form
The NCMS Ethical and Judicial Affairs Committee is considering potential revisions to the current Medical Research for Marijuana Policy. As a NCMS member, your feedback on draft proposed policy is a vital component of the NCMS policy development process. Please take a few moments to review the DRAFT Cannabis/Cannabidiol Policy and share your feedback. Your input is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your engagement!

**Please note that the following is the Committee's working draft and is not considered NCMS policy.**
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DRAFT Cannabis/Cannabidiol Policy
The North Carolina Medical Society supports efforts to research the potential health benefits and adverse health effects of cannabis and cannabidiol products, especially in children, and supports the education of its members regarding these issues.

The NCMS opposes the inhalation of smoke from any substance including cannabis, cannabidiol, and smokable hemp products.

The NCMS opposes self-diagnosis, self-treatment, and diagnosis and treatment of family members with cannabis or cannabidiol products.

The NCMS supports efforts to increase funding for education, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders, particularly cannabis use disorder.

The NCMS supports increasing state and federal funding for cannabis research, easing regulatory restrictions that impede approval for cannabis and cannabinoid research, and encouraging ongoing collection of individual and population data on patients using cannabis.

The NCMS supports rescheduling cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule II drug to enable clinical research and developing standardization and prescribing guidelines for cannabinoids congruent with the FDA drug development process.

The NCMS supports further pharmacological research to develop potency limits for cannabis and cannabidiol products.

The NCMS supports the identification, monitoring, and publicizing of health care and social costs associated with cannabis and cannabidiol use.

The NCMS supports improved cannabidiol product testing, regulation, and public information about contaminated cannabidiol products.

The NCMS supports dissemination of scientifically sound information about the efficacy and safety of cannabis and cannabidiol products to the medical community and the public.

The NCMS recognizes that there are significant differences between states and the federal government in the legal status of cannabis use.  

What are your thoughts about the language in the draft policy as written? *
What are your suggestions for edits?
If you have concerns about the language in the draft policy as written, please share them below.
Please share any additional comments you may have regarding the draft.
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