Employee/Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement  
As an employee/volunteer of Monterey Condors Club, I understand that I have an obligation to protect personal information and other kinds of restricted information.

In accordance with the confidentiality and protection of privacy policies, I agree to protect from unauthorized uses and disclosures all restricted information, including personal information, to which I have access in the course of my employment or volunteer activities with Monterey Condors Club. I agree to use the personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and purposes consistent with my employment or volunteer responsibilities. I agree that I will only disclose personal information as permitted by law. When I become aware of personal information that is lost, shared in an unauthorized way, or any other form of privacy breach I understand I am required to notify the Board of Directors.

I understand that discipline or sanctions, up to and including dismissal, may result if I access, collect, use, disclose, or dispose of personal information. I understand that the obligations of this Agreement will survive the termination of my employment or volunteer activities at Monterey Condors Club and that failure to keep confidential the personal information of individuals is grounds for appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action.
Monterey Condors Club has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard the privacy of all participants and to protect the confidentiality of their personal information. Additionally, the organization must assure the confidentiality of its human resources, payroll, financial, research, computer systems, and management information.

I agree not to disclose or discuss any participant, human resources, payroll, financial, research, and/or management information with others, including friends or family, who do not have a need-to-know. I agree not to access any information, or utilize equipment, other than what is required to do my job, even if I don’t tell anyone else.

I agree not to willingly inform another person of my computer password or knowingly use another person’s computer password instead of my own for any reason. I agree to log off prior to leaving any computer or terminal unattended. Unauthorized release of confidential information may also result in personal, civil, and/or criminal liabilities and legal penalties.

I have read and agree to comply with the terms of the above statement, and will read and comply with Monterey Condors Club’s Privacy and Information Security Policies and Standards.

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