Upgrade Application to Provincial Official
This form will be used for Apprentice Provincial Officials to apply for upgrade to a Provincial Official. If you have any questions please email the SSBC Officials Development Committee (ODC): officialsdevelopment@speedskatingbc.ca.
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Email *
Applicant name *
Are you a  current Speed Skating BC and Speed Skating Canada member? *
Membership is required to volunteer/officiate at competitions (for insurance purposes) and for upgrades. To register, visit: https://icereg.ca/#!/listings/bcclubs/CL-BCSSA. Your membership will be verified using the IceReg database.
Current Officiating Status *
Check all that apply.
Which position(s) are you applying to for upgrade? *
Check all that apply.
Where and when did you attend the Provincial Official Clinic(s)? *
Practical experience: chief in a minimum of TWO SSBC-sanctioned meets *
Please list the SSBC sanctioned meet(s) that you officiated at, the date of the meet and the name of the mentor official (if applicable).
Practical experience: assist at a minimum of TWO SSC-sanctioned meets *
Please list the SSC-sanctioned meet(s) that you officiated at, the date of the meet and the name of the mentor/chief official.
Evaluation forms *
Please ensure an assessor has submitted at least one evaluation form (see Officials Resources https://speedskatingbc.ca/resources/ for forms):
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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