Tucum Capoeira Edinburgh GTI 2024
27th-29th September  2024

Friday 7-9pm @ North Merchiston Club, 48 Watson Crescent, EH11 1EP
Saturday 11am-3pm @ George Watson College, 69 Colinton Rd, Edinburgh EH10 5EG
Sunday 11am-3pm @ George Watson College


Join us for the weekend of workshops with extremely experienced and lovely people! 
Fill the form and start warming up for the upcoming GTI - "Grupo Treinamento Intensivo" !

This year is a little bit different.. We are not running the usual Troca de Cordao and Batizado event. Instead we'll be focusing on training and playing Capoeira as well as sharing and acquiring as much knowledge as possible!

I am excited to share that this year you will have the opportunity to learn Capoeira from extremely experienced female teachers. This is something I've had on my mind for a very long time and it is finally coming to the fruition.

Our main guest, Mestra Rilene Sousa has over 40+ years of experience in Capoeira! She and her entire family have been living and breathing Capoeira since their birth!

Our second guest is Instrutora Dançarina who many of you already know, has 30+ years of experience in contemporary dance which has greatly influenced her Capoeira life that started at the birth of Cordao de Ouro Edinburgh over 10 years ago.

Last but not least, I am happy to announce that we will have C.M. Rander as well as my teacher - Mestre Medusa present at the event and you will also have the opportunity to have a class with them too!

Hope to see you there!

Prof. Minhoquinho
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Capoeira Group *
What days will you attend? *
We'll be heading out for a meal on Saturday after the workshops. Would you like a space to be booked for you? *
The booking will be made for 4:30pm on Saturday 28th of September at https://fountainpark.co.uk/attractions/mr-basrais-world-cuisines 

Please let me know in advance if you've changed your mind!
Do you have any questions? *
Payment details
If possible, please complete the payment for the event after submitting the form. 

PAYMENT REFERENCE: [ApelidoOrSurname]-Event24

Name    Piotr Bialonowski

No.        16092326

Sort.      83-17-26


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