Gemstone Wonders
Learn About gemstones with your kids!
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The Gem Museum, Singapore
true or false, this gem has inclusions. *
2 points
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if you answered 'I do not know what are inclusions 'tell us what you know now
0 points
is quartz rare *
2 points
some gemstones change colour under Ultra Violet light
2 points
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inclusions are basically: *
3 points
are you smart enough to attempt this quiz?
5 points
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please watch this video to extend your knowledge of gems
2 points
which main gemstone is your favorite
2 points
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is it possible to make sapphire at home?
3 points
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can coal become ruby? *
2 points
if you were to see a gem in a forest what would it most likely be? *
1 point
whats october's birthstone? *
4 points
what's July's birthstone? *
3 points
when is your birthday?(please write in months) *
3 points
what is your birthstone? *
3 points
Have you enjoyed this Quiz/ *
3 points
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