BTCC Training Request
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Thank you for requesting training from BTCC! This form serves as a way for us to gather required information and start to build an understanding of your needs as a group. A few items of note as you fill out the form:

BTCC currently offers several trainings, all of which connect to each other. We strongly encourage organizations or groups excited about training with us to consider engaging in multiple trainings.

We are generally able to schedule trainings within 1-2 months of receiving a request, depending on trainer availability.

BTCC trainings are participatory, popular education learning spaces, which work best with strong buy-in from participants. If your group has reservations about our training, or is engaging in this training as a mandatory one - please let us know in the notes section at the end of this form!
Name *
Organization *
Email Address *
Which training(s) are you interested in? *
Please Note: If you are seeking BTCC's Implicit Bias training, it has a separate training request form, which can be found at the link below.
Anticipated number of participants *
Because BTCC trainings are participatory spaces, we recommend groups be no larger than 35 participants.
BTCC's trainings range from 1.5 - 2 hours. Please offer 2-3 dates & times that would work for your group, or a general timeframe that works best for you (i.e. Friday mornings, weekday afternoons). We will connect trainers with your options and finalize a date as soon as possible. *
Financial Compensation
BTCC offers our core trainings on a sliding scale, to both ensure that trainings are accessible to organizations of all sizes and budgets, as well as that trainers are fairly compensated for their time, energy, and labor.

Below are three tiers of payment for you to consider, categorized by organizational budget. However, we understand and appreciate that budgets are not always reflective of capacity. As such, we are open to discussing payment options on a case-by-case basis.

Tier 1 - $0
For organizations with budgets of $0 - $500,000

Tier 2 - $250
For organizations with budgets of $500,000 - $1,000,000

Tier 3 - $500
For organizations with budgets of more than $1,000,000

Please use the space below to provide more information if you would like to discuss an alternate payment option.
Which tier corresponds with your organizational budget? *
Please use the space below to provide more information if you would like to discuss an alternate payment option.
BTCC maintains a training space at Youth Services Bureau. Would you prefer to train in YSB's space, a space of your own, or a virtually? *
A Note on Covid-19 Protocols
If you are requesting an in-person training, we encourage all participants and trainers to wear masks in shared spaces.

For in-person trainings, YSB's training room offers space to socially distance, and has air filtration machines.

In the case of an exposure that prevents a training from occurring as originally scheduled, trainers will reschedule as possible.
BTCC works to ensure our trainings are accessible and inclusive, so that all participants can engage fully with the content. Are there any specific accessibility needs we should plan for? (i.e. visibility, hearing, mobility, language) *

We recommend looking through our accommodation resources ( as a group before finalizing your training request. If you are requesting training before having a full list of participants, we encourage you to include a similar question in your training sign-up or outreach, and then follow up with us. 
How did you hear about BTCC's trainings? *
Has your group had any prior training on this topic? *
What are your group's anticipated or hoped-for outcomes from engaging in this training? *
What problems, roadblocks or tensions have been barriers to your group's goals or shared work in the past? *
Any other information you'd like to share as a part of your training request?
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