Community Cheer Zone Application
2024 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge Volunteer
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Sandy's Secondary showed up with an amazing cheer zone for the 2023 PwC Bermuda Marathon - complete with a mascot handing out high-fives (or high-paws!). This is the energy we're looking for! 
Which event would you like to create a community cheer zone for? *
Do you have a specific time you would like your community cheer zone to be active on the course? If yes, please list hours (visit the BTC website for hours of specific race events). If no, please type "N/A." *
Do you have a specific location that you would like your community cheer zone to be on the course? If yes, please state the location (be as specific as possible with name of event and mile marker or other geographic reference). If no, please type "N/A." *
What club, nonprofit organisation, community group, business, church, or other association will your community cheer zone be representing? *
Will your community cheer zone have a theme? If so, please describe.
Please list the name, phone number, and email of the best contact person for your community cheer zone so that someone from our team can be in touch. *
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