Allegheny West Membership Application
Please provide the following information if you would like to join the Allegheny West Civic Council.   Note that each member of you household must have their own membership to be eligible to vote.  Please complete this form for each person who is applying.   You may combine payments through the PayPal links below.    

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Type Membership You are Applying For [see above for descriptions] *
Your Name *
Your Business Name if Applicable
Your Address [in Allegheny West] *
Mailing Address [if different than above]
Would you like your email to be added to the [awcc-announce] mailing list to receive updates relevant to the AWCC and the neighborhood?
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Term *
Are you interested in assisting with any committees? More information about getting involved:
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Please choose a payment type below.  
Payment Type *
After submitting this form you may pay your dues via PayPal online below if you would like to pay online or via mobile phone.
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