We are a team of professional counsellors and therapists who are members of local congregations of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore.
我们的团队是由专业心理咨询师和心理治疗师组成的,我们都是新加坡长老会教会的成员。Our counselling services are open to members of the Presbyterian churches and their families and friends at the following rates:
$120 per session for individuals (60 mins per session)
$180 per session for couples and families (90 mins per session)
个人每节 $120(每节 60 分钟) 配偶和家庭每节 $190 (每节 90 分钟)
*There is a no-show fee of $30 (appointment is not cancelled/postponed 24 hours before scheduled time)
*缺席费为 $30(预约不会在预定时间前 24 小时取消/推迟)
Please fill in your details and we will contact you shortly.
All information you provide here will be strictly confidential to PCA.
请填写您的详细信息,我们会尽快与您联系。 您在此处提供的所有信息将对 PCA 严格保密。