Confirmation Sponsor Information 2023/24
At your Baptism your Godparents represented the community of faith in welcoming you to the family of the Church. They and your Parents accepted responsibility at your Baptism to help you grow as a Catholic. You are being asked to choose a Confirmation Sponsor to walk with you on the journey toward Confirmation.

YOUR SPONSOR MUST... Confirmed Catholic at least 16 years old

Mom or Dad CANNOT be your Confirmation Sponsor

Important Considerations of Who Your Sponsor Could Be...
Should be someone who participates fully in the life of the Church
A spiritual role model
Someone who offers support and guidance
Someone who prays with you and for you
Someone with whom you are able to talk or ask questions about your faith
A Godparent who is a Confirmed Practicing Catholic
A Grandparent or other family member who is a Confirmed Practicing Catholic
Small Group Leaders (Catechist or Aide)
An adult you and your parents know well who is a Confirmed Practicing Catholic

St. James Requirements of Your Sponsor (please let them know of these requirements):
1. Attend the Candidate/Sponsor Reflection Day on October 16 at Good Shepherd (9:30am-12:30pm)
2. Complete ONE service activity and discussion with candidate (candidate will complete a reflection form for this activity)
3. Complete ONE spiritual activity (Mass, watch a Christian movie, prayer service, adoration, rosary service, etc.) and discussion with candidate (sponsor will complete a reflection form for this activity)
4. Attend the rehearsal and mass

Please have this form completed by September 7th.

If you have any questions, contact David Weber or 920-418-2831
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Confirmation Sponsor Information 
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