Geneva SEO Intake Form
This form contains questions required by Geneva SEO to make a proper analysis and provide a proposal worthy of your business. Be as detailed as possible and add any comments in the Other section. We appreciate your time.
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Email *
Name *
Fill  in your full name
Email: *
Best phone: *
Website: *
Tell Us About Your Business *
Why yould your consumers choose to buy from you over your competitors? (be specific about your Value Proposition) *
What are the short and long term goals of the company? *
Do you offer any special promotions to new customers? If so, what are they? *
What is the typical sales process/cycle? For example: customer calls, then fills in form, then sets appointment; funnel with emails etc. *
What product or service would you like to sell more of? *
What is the average Lifetime value of your average customer? This is your profit over the life of that customer. *
Please list a radius and specific cities you would like to target. If your targeting is primarily national, just type in your country. *
Who are your 3 main competitors?
Please write as many keywords as you can think of that you would like to target online. Separate each keyword with a comma (,). (i.e. keywords represent what a person would typically type into the search engine in order to find your website and your services. E.g. sports chiropractor in Orlando, rental car dealer Manhattan New York City, dentist near me, winter tires Chicago) *
How many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? Please set a number.
Are you doing any other forms of marketing? Please check all that apply: *
What would you say is your most effective advertising method?
Which is the least effective advertising method?
What is your budget range for acquiring a new customer? *
Which is your preferred way of having customers get in touch with you? *
Have you had previous SEO done on your website? If so, please check the investment level. *
What knowledge of SEO exists within the company? *
What is your biggest concern working with a company for online marketing? *
Do you have anything else that you would like to share?
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