Details of outreach project: How much work is involved? How many volunteers do you need? *
Your answer
Details of outreach project: Have you had a good response? What impact did the project have on the volunteers and recipients? *
Your answer
How long have you been doing this? *
Your answer
Are there any issues which have arisen? *
Your answer
What legal aspects, if any, would anyone need to consider who wanted to run a similar project? (Insurance needs, background checks, Duty of Care: Things that MUST be done, Things that MUST NOT be done) *
Your answer
Is there any necessary volunteer training needed? (Confidentiality, how to handle disclosures, volunteer-supplicant relationships etc. how to relate to those with addictions and mental health issues etc.) *
Your answer
Do you have images or videos of outreach projects that we can use on our website, social media, or for in-house awareness days? We will email you if you have. *
Do you have any other comments which will help The Garden Team?