Organisational Team
The organisational team is a new team that will help the European Team with the organisation and running of the European Committee 2023. 
The team should be composed by 2 to 5 people that are engaged in JECI-MIEC and do not participate in the European Committee as delegates. The team will be just installed for the European Committee 2023. 

The teams tasks will be: 
- be cooking for the delegates 
- planning community activities
- helping with logistical and organisational preparations of the Committee 

We do not require a nomination from the member organisation. Unfortunately we are not able to cover the travel cost of the members but the participation fee will be reduced to 25€.

Successful candidates will be contacted by the European Team shortly after the application deadline. Please apply by filling out this form until 15th September 2023. 

We are looking forward to your applications!
Your European Team 2023 
Anna, Carolina, Francesco, Jonathan and Syzmon
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