Upcoming Stampin4fun Class Registration
This is the form to register for upcoming stamping classes with Genevieve Ko.    I am offering both virtual and in person options so please read the description for each event carefully. For the virtual technique and sweet and simple classes, If you can't join the zoom live, you can still enjoy the class with the video recording that will be provided within a week after the class. Please register by November 1st (unless otherwise indicated)  Please don't hesitate to contact me at 416-803-6860 or gen@stampin4fun.ca if you have any questions.  
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Email *
What is your full name? *
Which upcoming classes/event would you like to register for? (pick all that apply) *
Please indicate if you would like to add on any of the optional add ons. Price includes tax and shipping and is slightly discounted from the regular retail price.    
How will you receive your class supplies? *
How would you like to pay for your class(es) and any add-ons? *
If you requested shipping please provide your full shipping address including postal code. Thank you. (please note, due to factors out of my control,  I can not guarantee that packets will arrive prior to the class date.  However I will aim to ship them out about 2 weeks ahead of the class)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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