Support Massachusetts' Pregnancy Resource Centers


Since the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, the abortion industry, abortion advocates, and their political allies have increasingly demonized their primary competition: Pregnancy resource centers. Through a disinformation campaign, abortion proponents have stoked anger, vandalism, and violence against these pregnancy centers.

Massachusetts' pregnancy resource centers are life-affirming, non-profit organizations committed to aiding women facing an unexpected pregnancy. They are part of a nationwide network of centers throughout the United States that provide accurate and comprehensive information on all pregnancy options and offer a wide array of services to women so they can make informed decisions about their pregnancy. In addition, centers provide on-going care, education, and support so families can successfully parent or release for adoption.

Pregnancy resource centers offer a wide variety of free services for pregnant women, which can include:

Lab-quality pregnancy tests; ultrasounds for pregnancy confirmation; consultation with a licensed medical professional and/or licensed counselors; material resources including diapers, clothing, baby equipment, formula, food, and gift cards; parenting education; and housing referrals.

All of the services and material resources provided are offered at no cost, even though they receive no state or federal funding.

As church leaders, we recognize the value these centers bring to Massachusetts' families. They offer care and compassion during what is often a very challenging time in a woman's life.  Their concern is expressed in both word and deed.

Pregnancy resource centers in Massachusetts should be supported - not condemned. 

Mike King
Massachusetts Family Institute
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