Welcome to Trusted Person™ (www.TrustedPerson.org); home to the MQCC™ Trusted Person™ trademark source identifier of persons and leaders who participate in local, regional, national and international Government, Commerce and Academia;  built in accordance to KYC2™ (www.kyc2.org) trademark "Know Your Customer" MQCC Standards™.  Trusted Person™: the Global Symbol for Trust™. Trusted in up to 118 United Nation (UN) member countries: country.mqcc.org

MQCC.org Global "Principles of 'BlockChain'"-based KYC (KYC2™/®) "Know Your Customer - Know Your Company™" Forms are stored in the MQCC™ Global KYC BlockChain Vault™- (www.kycBlockChainVault.com), built on MQCC Originating BlockChain Zero One™
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MQCC™ Trusted Person™ KYC2™ Standard Form: "Know Your Customer"  are stored in the MQCC™ Global KYC BlockChain Vault™- (www.kycBlockChainVault.com)
KYC2.org: MQCC™ Global KYC BlockChain Vault™- Global Symbol for Trust™
Insert the Name of the Organization or Company (NOC™) you wish to work with (the NOCName™) *
Please Introduce Yourself
Your Full Name (First Name Last Name) *
Your country of residence *
Your residence or business street address *
Your email address *
Your telephone number *
Purpose of your Inquiry
What would you like to do with MQCC? *
If you are contacting MQCC as an employee or Chief Executive Officer or member of Top Management of an organization, please provide the name of your organization AND website AND your title or role/position.
Please insert your organization name, your organization website and your title or role/position at the organization.
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This form was created inside of MQCC®: Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™ incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: MQCC.org.

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