Share Your Education Story
Your story is powerful and can help demonstrate why fully funding our students and schools is absolutely necessary. Share your story by first telling us a little more about yourself. Then, answer any, or all, of the questions below.

We'd like to share your story on our website and will only use your initials to do so, but if you're not comfortable with this, no worries! We want to hear more about your experiences anyway!
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What are your initials? (you can also share your first, last, or full name, or write anonymous if you want!) *
What town do you live in? *
If you'd like to be contacted about further opportunities, please share your email below!
How would you identify yourself? *
If you're a student, what grade are you in?
Tell us about someone who taught you something you still remember.
If money were not an issue, what would education in your community look like?
Was there ever a time that you visited a school and realized your school had way more, or way less? Tell us about it, and how it made you feel.
Do you give us permission to share your responses using your initials and where you're from? *
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