Š.g. 12.  un 18.septembrī  notiks četru pasākumu sērija, kas ir saistīti ar Latvijas dalību Eiropas Kosmosa aģentūras (EKA) asociētā dalībvalsts statusā:

12. SEPTEMBRIS 09:00 - 13:00: seminārs par EKA Nacionālās programmas (Requesting Party Activities, RPA) konkursu noteikumiem, aktivitāšu tipiem un atbalsta nosacījumiem;

12. SEPTEMBRIS 14:00 - 18:00: klātienes 1 pret 1 tikšanās ar EKA pārstāvjiem par konfidenciāliem vai konkrētas projekta priekšlikuma idejas jautājumiem dalībai RPA un GSTP programmās (līdz 20 min vienai organizācijai).

18. SEPTEMBRIS 10:00 - 11:00: EKA ekspertu vadītās mācības “Tehnisko prasību specifikācija” (“Technical Requirement Specification Training”);

Technical Requirements training

Technical requirements define the purpose, functionalities, and behaviour of any given (space) product or system and are therefore considered essential for any (space) development work. The 1 hour course will cover the following topics:

  • Requirements
  • Why we need requirements
  • Definition of requirements
  • Types of requirements
  • Requirements / recommendations for formulating technical requirements
  • Some “golden rules”
  • Requirement detail level vs TRL

The course is aimed primarily at newcomers to space projects and those intending to bid to the AM RPA call for proposals in particular. The purpose of this course is thus to provide and introduction to and explanation of what is meant by ‘Technical Requirements’ in such calls and a practical, introductory level, guide and overview on how to define, document and use technical requirements for space development projects

18. SEPTEMBRIS 11:30 - 17:00: EKA ekspertu vadītās mācības “Kosmosa nozares projektu vadība un kontrole” (“Space Project Management and Control”);

Space Project Management and Project Controlling training

The Project Management and Project Controlling course has for objective to save you time and money and make you more competitive. It explains all the concepts associated with running a contract to a conclusion. From defining clearly all the steps and roles, to identify your customers, identify your risks and opportunities and avoid pitfalls.

The 4 hours course will go over the following chapters from start to finish:

  • Project initiation and planning,
  • Project structure,
  • Estimate of resources and costs,
  • Schedule and resource allocation,
  • Finalisation of the plan,
  • Running the project and concluding it.

The course is aimed primary at start-ups and SMEs targeting ESA projects

Reģistrējoties līdz 10. septembrim, Jūs saņemsiet detalizētāku informāciju par pasākumu programmu.

Pasākumu norises vieta:  1) The RPA briefing will take place in the Avalon Hotel, 13.janvāra street on September 12, 2023 2) ESA trainings will take place in the Hotel Bergs, Elizabetes street  83/85, on September 18, 2023.

Valoda: angļu.

Mērķauditorija: zinātņietilpīgu uzņēmumu un pētniecības organizāciju pārstāvji.

Mērķis: informēt Latvijā reģistrēto organizāciju pārstāvjus par EKA programmu struktūru, konkursiem, dalības nosacījumiem un projektu īstenošanu.

Konteksts: Latvija ir Eiropas Kosmosa aģentūras (EKA) asociētā dalībvalsts kopš 2020. gada 27. jūlijam. Šogad valsts iemaksu apjoms dalībai EKA tika palielināts no 1 miljona gadā līdz 3 miljoniem gadā, kas paver papildus iespējas Latvijas zinātņietilpīgiem uzņēmumiem un pētniecības organizācijām.

Latvijā reģistrētām organizācijām ir pieeja EKA Nacionālās programmai (Requesting Party Activities, RPA) un EKA Galvenajai tehnoloģiju atbalsta programmai (General Support Technology Programme, GSTP).

  • EKA RPA ir veidota, lai attīstītu Latvijas organizāciju kompetences un spējas, kuru centrā ir produktu un pakalpojumu izstrāde, lai radītu ilgtspējīga biznesa iespējas kosmosa nozarē. 2023. gada 19. septembrī tiks atvērts ceturtais konkurss ESA-STAR portālā https://doing-business.sso.esa.int/.
  • EKA GSTP programma ir veidota, lai attīstītu plaša profila tehnoloģijas, kas izmantojamas kosmosā 3.-7. tehnoloģijas gatavības līmeņos. Uz GSTP finansējumu var pretendēt gan pētniecības organizācijas, gan uzņēmumi, kas strādā ar progresīvu un kosmosā izmantojamu tehnoloģiju.

Organizatori: Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija un Eiropas Kosmosa aģentūra. 


On 12 and 18 September 2023, a series of four events related to Latvia's participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) as an Associate Member will take place.

12 SEPTEMBER 09:00 - 13:00: briefing on the ESA Requesting Party Activities (RPA) scheme for the organisations registered in Latvia.

12 SEPTEMBER 14:00 - 18:00: 1-to-1 consultations with ESA representatives on confidential or specific project proposal idea matters for participation in RPA and GSTP programmes (up to 20 min per organisation)

18 SEPTEMBER at 10:00 - 12:30: “Technical Requirements Specification Training" conducted by ESA experts

Technical Requirements training

Technical requirements define the purpose, functionalities, and behaviour of any given (space) product or system and are therefore considered essential for any (space) development work. The 1 hour course will cover the following topics:

  • Requirements
  • Why we need requirements
  • Definition of requirements
  • Types of requirements
  • Requirements / recommendations for formulating technical requirements
  • Some “golden rules”
  • Requirement detail level vs TRL

The course is aimed primarily at newcomers to space projects and those intending to bid to the AM RPA call for proposals in particular. The purpose of this course is thus to provide and introduction to and explanation of what is meant by ‘Technical Requirements’ in such calls and a practical, introductory level, guide and overview on how to define, document and use technical requirements for space development projects

18. SEPTEMBRIS 11:30 - 17:00: EKA ekspertu vadītās mācības “Kosmosa nozares projektu vadība un kontrole” (“Space Project Management and Control”);

Space Project Management and Project Controlling training

The Project Management and Project Controlling course has for objective to save you time and money and make you more competitive. It explains all the concepts associated with running a contract to a conclusion. From defining clearly all the steps and roles, to identify your customers, identify your risks and opportunities and avoid pitfalls.

The 4 hours course will go over the following chapters from start to finish:

  • Project initiation and planning,
  • Project structure,
  • Estimate of resources and costs,
  • Schedule and resource allocation,
  • Finalisation of the plan,
  • Running the project and concluding it.

The course is aimed primary at start-ups and SMEs targeting ESA projects

By registering by September 10, you will receive detailed agenda of the events.

Event venue:   1) The RPA briefing will take place in the Avalon Hotel, 13.janvāra street on September 12, 2023 2) ESA trainings will take place in the Hotel Bergs, Elizabetes street  83/85, on September 18, 2023.

Language: English

Target audience: representatives of knowledge-intensive companies and research organisations

Aim: to inform Latvia-based organisations about the structure of ESA programmes, tenders, participation conditions and project implementation.

Context: Latvia is an Associate Member of the European Space Agency (ESA) since 27 July 27 2020. This year, the government’s contribution for Latvia’s participation in ESA was increased from €1 million/year to €3 million/year, which will enable additional opportunities for Latvia-based knowledge intensive organisations.

Organisations registered in Latvia have access to ESA Requesting Party Activities (RPA) programme and ESA General Support Technology Programme (GSTP).

  • RPA is designed to build competencies and capabilities centred on product development leading to a sustainable long-term business case in the commercial space market of Latvian entities. The 4th RPA call will be open on 19 September 2023 on ESA - STAR portal https://doing-business.sso.esa.int/;
  • GSTP is designed to develop technologies and products from low Technology Readiness Level (TRL 3) to qualification (platform, payload, ground segment and engineering tools). Both research organisations and companies working with advanced and space-applicable technology can apply for GSTP funding.

Organisers: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia and European Space Agency. 

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Piedalīšos EKA mācībās 18. septembrī (I will participate in the ESA trainings on 18 September) *
Piesakos individuālās konsultācijās par RPA  and GSTP (I intend to apply for an 1-to-1 consultation about RPA and GSTP) *
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