Job Posting for Henderson County Public School Students
Note: To post a job using this form, your business/industry must be compliant with all federal hiring guidelines. (

We will keep your job posted for two weeks. If your job fills before then, please email so that we can remove the posting from our list. If you don't find someone in the two weeks, please also email and ask that the position be reposted. Thank you for your support of our students!
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Email *
Business/Industry Name *
Physical Address of Business/Industry *
Title of job you are seeking to fill with an HCPS student *
Please provide a brief job description regarding the position, hours, pay and any other pertinent information about the job. You may also provide a weblink (to job application, additional info about your company and/or job description). *
Please provide information regarding how the student should apply. *
Is there an age requirement for this job? If so, please provide details. *
If the student would like to request a tour and/or meeting to discuss the job opening prior to applying, would this be an option? *
Name, title and contact info for person completing this form. *
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