GLU Faculty Support Letter

We write to express our support for the Graduate Labor Union (GLU). We recognize that graduate students are an integral part of our academic community, and we firmly believe they deserve fair treatment, respect, and the right to have a collective voice in matters that affect their working conditions.

We affirm that UMD graduate students are workers: graduate workers teach classes, grade papers, conduct research, produce publications, perform administrative tasks, and provide academic advising and support for undergraduate students. As workers, UMD graduate students deserve the right to unionize and collectively negotiate for a competitive stipend, comprehensive benefits, fair workload, and a safe and inclusive working environment. The right to have a recognized, collective voice in negotiating working conditions is a basic human right.

Furthermore, we recognize that a robust and respectful relationship between the administration, faculty, and the graduate student body is crucial for the university’s continued success and growth. A healthy and vibrant academic community is one that values the contributions and “fearless ideas” of all its members.

The undersigned University of Maryland staff and faculty—tenured, non-tenured, part-time and full-time lecturers, librarians, and researchers —endorse GLU in their efforts to unionize the UMD graduate labor force. We call on all friends of higher education to support UMD graduate students in their organizing efforts. Moreover, we ask that the UMD administration engage in good faith negotiations and work towards establishing a fair and equitable collective bargaining agreement with the graduate student body. Graduate workers alone have the right to decide whether they would like to form a union; UMD administration and faculty must refrain from tactics aimed to deter graduate unionization through intimidation or coercion. Together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive, and more productive academic community.

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1. Ahmet Karamustafa, Professor , History
2. Alexander Dodd, Continuing Resources Librarian, Collection Development Strategies
3. Alexander Kozen, Associate Research Scientist, MSE
4. Alexandra Calloway, Senior Lecturer (Teaching Faculty), English Department, Professional Writing Program, English
5. Amanda Lazar, Assistant Professor, Information Studies
6. Amy Wickner, Electronic Records Archivist, Special Collections and University Archives
7. Anahi Espindola, Assistant Professor, Entomology
8. Andrea Schuba, Monographs Cataloging Librarian, Libraries
9. Anjula Batra, Lecturer, Senior Faculty Specialist, ENGL
10. Anne Rush , Senior Lecturer , History
11. Anny Gaul, Assistant Professor, Arabic, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
12. Belinda Qian He, Assistant Professor, EALC, Cinema and Media Studies
13. Benjamin Shaw, Teaching and Learning Librarian & Lecturer, College of Information, LBSC
14. Beth Guay, Librarian III, Continuing Resources Librarian
15. Brandon Vittetoe, Library Technician III & Former Graduate Assistant, Libraries
16. Brian Richardson, Professor, Department of English, English
17. Caro Williams-Pierce, Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies
18. Carol Graham, College Park Professor, MSPP, MSPP
19. Chandra Turpen, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
20. Charlotte Richardson-Deppe, Lecturer, Art
21. Chiara Graf, Assistant Professor, Classics
22. Christina Walter, Associate Professor, English
23. Chryl Laird, Associate Professor , Government and Politics
24. Claire Dunning, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
25. Clara Irazábal, Professor, Urban Studies and Planning, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Urban Studies and Planning Program
26. Clare Lyons, Associate Professor, Department of History, History
27. Daniel Greene, Assistant Professor, INFO
28. David Cunningham, Professor, Department of Government & Politics, GVPT
29. David L. Andrews, Professor, Kinesiology
30. David Simon, Associate Professor, English
31. David Stewart, Assistant Research Scientist, Materials Science & Engineering
32. David Tomblin, Senior Lecturer, Director of STS Programs (STS Scholars, STEP Minor, Engineering Ethics), Science, Technology, and Society
33. David Van Horn, Associate Professor, Computer Science
34. Devin Hayes Ellis, Principal Investigator, Asymmetric Threats Analysis Center, Applied Research Lab for Intelligence and Security, VPR
35. Diana Marsh, Assistant Professor of Archives and Digital Curation, N/A
36. Elizabeth Caringola, Archival Metadata Librarian, Special Collections & University Archives
37. Emily Frashure, Assistant Faculty Researcher , Materials Science and Engineering
38. Emily Frazier, Collections Data Assessment Coordinator, Collection Strategies and Services
39. Ernesto Calvo, Professor and co-DGS of GVPT, GVPT
40. Ethan Mereish, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
41. Eugenia Kalnay, Distinguished University Professor, retired., AOSC
42. Eun Kyoung Choe, Associate Professor, College of Information Studies
43. Fatemeh Keshavarz, Professor, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
44. Fiona Shen-Bayh, Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Politics and the School of Information Studies
45. Gabrielle Fuentes, Associate Professor, Department of English
46. Hal Daumé III, Professor and TRAILS Institute Director, CMSC, UMIACS, LSC
47. Hester Baer, Professor, German and Cinema & Media Studies
48. Irene Pasquetto, Assistant Professor,
49. Jade Olson, Associate Clinical Professor , Communication
50. Jane Donawerth, Professor Emerita UM Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, Department of English and Affiliate Women, Gender, and Sexualities
51. Janelle Wong, Professor, GVPT, AMST
52. Janna Bianchini, Associate Professor, Department of History, History
53. Jennifer D. Roberts, Associate Professor , Kinesiology
54. Jennifer Doherty, Metadata Specialist Coordinator, Cataloging and Metadata Servicers
55. Jennifer Wallace, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Master of Arts in International Relations Program, Department of Government and Politics
56. Joel Chan, Assistant Professor,  
57. John Keniston, Senior Faculty Specialist, Department of Geographical Sciences
58. John Macintosh, Lecturer, English
59. Jordana Moore Saggese, Professor, Art History & Archaeology
60. Joshua Shannon, Professor, Art History & Archaeology
61. Joshua Weiner, Professor of English, English
62. Joshua Westgard, Digital Repository and Preservation Librarian, Digital Services and Technologies
63. Juan Uriagereka, Professor, Linguistics/SLLC
64. Julie Greene , Professor of History , History
65. Julie Silva, Professor (2010-2023) , Geographical Sciences
66. Julie Taddeo, Research Professor of History; 2023 Provost Award for PTK Excellence in Research, History
67. K. Frances Lieder, Collegiate Fellow, University Honors
68. Kari Kraus, Associate Professor, College of Information Studies and Department of English
69. Karin Rosemblatt, Professor; Member, National Council of AAUP; Vice-president UMD-AAUP, History
70. Katherine Wasdin, Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Classics
71. Katie Shilton, Associate Professor, College of Information Studies
72. Kellie Robertson, Professor of English, English
73. L. Suzanne Gordon, Lecturer, Communication
74. Laura Cleary, Coordinator, Instruction & Outreach, Special Collections and University Archives
75. Laura Demaria, Professor, Spanish & Portuguese/SLLC
76. Leonid Koralov, Professor, Mathematics
77. Lillian Doherty, Professor Emerita, Classics
78. Lindsay Inge Carpenter, Librarian III, Head of Research Education, UMD Libraries
79. Lindsay Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Music
80. Lisa Shiota, Metadata Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Services
81. Louiqa Raschid, Dean's Professor and Professor in the Smith School of Business and UMIACS; Affiliate in Computer Science., Smith School of Business and Computer Science and UMIACS
82. Lucy Hebner, Assistant Coordinator for Prevention Education, CARE to Stop Violence
83. Luka Arsenjuk, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
84. M. R. Sauter, Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies
85. MIchael Hanmer, Professor, GVPT
86. Madeline Hsu, Professor, Department of History, History
87. Marcus Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Politics , Government and Politics
88. Maria J. Molina, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and UMIACS
89. Matthew Kirschenbaum, Distinguished University Professor , English
90. Matthew Thomas Miller, Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Digital Humanities, Persian/School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
91. Maud Casey, Professor, Department of English,
92. Mauro Resmini, Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies and Italian, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
93. Mei Kong, Senior Lecturer, SLLC
94. Melissa Mowry, Professor of English, St. John’s University , English
95. Michael Galczynski, Senior Lecturer, Keystone
96. Michael Marsh, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
97. Michele M. Mason, Associate Professor, SLLC, Japanese Program
98. Michelle Mazurek, Associate Professor, Computer Science and UMIACS; Director, Maryland Cybersecurity Center, CMSC
99. Mihai Pop, Professor and director, UMIACS and CS
100. Natalie Trapuzzano, University Archivist, Special Collections & University Archives, University Libraries
101. Neil Lund, Lecturer, Department of Government and Politics
102. Nicholas Schmerr, Associate Professor, Department of Geology
103. Nicole Mogul , Senior Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Assistant Director, Science, Technology and Society Program (College Park Scholars), Science, Technology and Society
104. Pamela Duffy, Lecturer,  
105. Patrick Chung, Assistant Professor, Department of History, History
106. Piotr Swistak, Associate Professor, Government and Politics
107. Quint Gregory, Director, Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture,, Dept. Art History and Archaeology
108. Rachel Schine, Assistant Professor, Arabic and Religious Studies
109. Randy Ontiveros, Associate Professor of English and Director of Honors Humanities, English & Honors Humanities
110. Renee F. Hill, Principal Lecturer, Interim Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, N/A
111. Rion Amilcar Scott, Associate Professor, English
112. Robert Feldman, Professor Emeritus of Public Health, Behavioral and Community Health
113. Robyn Muncy, Professor, Department of History
114. Ron Mower, Senior Lecturer, Department of Kinesiology
115. Ross Salawitch, Professor, AOSC, CHEM, & ESSIC
116. Ryan Alan Sporer, Assistant Professor , Sociology
117. Ryan O'Grady, Lecturer and MLIS Co-Director, INFO
118. Sabrina Baron, Principle Lecturer, History
119. Sam Holley-Kline, Collegiate Fellow, University Honors
120. Sandra Cerrai, Professor and Associate Chair for APT, Mathematics
121. Sangeeta Ray, Professor, Faculty Director CLCS, English and Comparative Literature
122. Sarah Hovde, Librarian II, Cataloging & Metadata Services
123. Scott Trudell, Associate Professor, English
124. Sharona Ginsberg, Librarian, Head of Student Engagement Services, McKeldin Library
125. Siv Lie, Associate Professor, School of Music
126. Stefano Villani, Professor, History
127. Stephanie Sapienza, Digital Humanities Archivist, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
128. Steven Klees, Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education
129. Susannah Paletz, Associate Professor, College of Information Studies
130. Tamas Darvas, Associate Professor, Mathematics
131. Thomas Zeller, Professor, Department of History, History
132. Tita Chico, Professor of English, ENGL
133. Todd Holden, Senior Web Services Developer , Computer Science
134. Tom Hilde, Research professor , School of Public Policy
135. Vanessa Frías-Martínez, Associate Professor, ,
136. Victoria Van Hyning, Assistant Professor of Library Innovation  Director, Center for Archival Futures (CAFe), INFO
137. Yiannis Aloimonos, Professor, CS, Computer Science
138. Zachary Dorner, Assistant Professor, Department of History

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