Photo and Video Volunteer Sign Up
We're looking to build a team of volunteer photographers and videographers who will take photos of services, events, and ministry nights at our Rosedale campus. If you're interested in being a part of this team, please fill out the information below.
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Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Skill and Equipment
Select the skills you would be willing to volunteer: *
Do you have your own equipment that you're willing to use for ministry purposes? *
If yes, what equipment will you be using? *
Select your availability: *
Select the services that you would be willing to volunteer at: *
Select the additional campuses that you would be willing to volunteer at (besides the Rosedale campus): *
This does not mean you will be regularly serving at these campuses, however you may be asked to serve at the selected campuses for church-wide events (i.e. Hope Day Rally, Bethlehem Conferences, etc.)
Would you be willing to be asked to cover special events including on some weekends? *
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