Join PMF - Product Managers Founders
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Criteria to join:
- must be or had been a product manager
- must be or had been a business owner, founder or CEO, with at least £100k in revenue or funding
- must be based in the UK
- must be a nice person ✌️
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What's your first & last name? *
Link to your LinkedIn profile *
Link to your Twitter profile (optional)
What's your email address? *
Used for calendar event invites. We won't share it with anyone or use it for any other purpose.
What's your phone number? *
Our main community channel is a WhatsApp group, so we need your number to add you.
Do you fit the criteria as described above? *
Who else would you recommend to join PMF? (optional)
Who else do you know that fits the criteria and should join our community? Please enter their LinkedIn and/or email address.
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