Workshop Pay What You Can Request Form
Hi there - 

I'm so glad you're interested in the workshop! Please fill out the form below - it's just a few questions. We'll be in touch about a Pay What You Can spot within 72 hours.

The deadline to apply is 72 hours before the workshop begins. 

Much love,
Elizabeth + The Sacred Embodiment Team 
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Email *
Name *
Where are you located? *
Please list the name of the workshop you are submitting this form for: *
How did you hear about the workshop? (If you were referred by anyone, please tell us who) *
Please share briefly why you're interested in this workshop, what you're hoping to get out of it, and how you plan to use what you learn: *
What (if any) ideas, teachings, or practices from The School of Sacred Embodiment have already impacted your life? *
Please select the amount you can invest in the workshop most comfortably and without any financial strain (we will use this answer to send you a payment link to sign up for the workshop)  *
What's something you really appreciate about yourself?  *
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