Registration to the Elementary ESL Community
For the past few years, LEARN has been working on a special project with Elementary ESL specialists and pedagogical consultants. The goal? To create a community for Elementary ESL specialists, where resources, projects and activities can be shared amongst Quebec's ESL teachers. This community was first created for Intensive ESL, but is now open to all ESL Elementary level teachers.

-To register for an account, please fill in the following fields. Your account information will then be sent to you shortly.
-Please do not fill the form out several times - the delay to validate your account can take up to 24 hours.  If you do not receive an email during this time, please check you junk mail folder.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Professional Email *
Name of School Service Center *
Do you teach Intensive or Elementary ESL? *
How did you hear about the Elementary ESL Community?
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