2023 NLA Annual Conference
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Call for Program Proposals

NLA Annual Conference in Carson City, NV
November 6-7, 2023

Final Application due on October 13, 2023
Presenters will be notified of program placement during the week of October 16th.

Please supply the following information for each program you would like to host or conduct. All presentation slots will be 1 hour (40-45 minutes of speaking time with 15-20 minutes for Q&A). Feel free to organize panels or presentations with co-presenters at your discretion.

Please contact Justin Iverson & Chanteyl Hasse, Program Co-Chairs, with questions at the following email:

Program Information
Title of Program: *
Full Program Description: *
Short Program Description: *
(100 words or less for use in conference program and other printed materials)
Anticipated Audience: *
Speaker Information
Name of speaker or speakers who will present the program: *
Speaker's Email: *
Speaker's Address: *
Speaker's Phone: *
If you are filling out this proposal form on behalf of someone else, please complete the following questions.
Person submitting this proposal: Name
Person submitting this proposal: Email
Person submitting this proposal: Phone
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