2024 FPC Directory Update
Please take a moment to update your family's information for a new 2024 First Presbyterian Midland Directory. If you have questions about this form, please contact directory@fpcmid.org. Only one member of your household needs to complete this form.

Even if nothing has changed, we'd still appreciate you taking a couple of moments to fill this out so we can double-check all information in our church database. If you have trouble with this form or prefer to fill out a paper copy, you can find it here.

DIRECTORY PHOTO: After completing this form, please email a recent family photo to us at directory@fpcmid.org or call 684-7821 to set up a time to stop by church and get your picture taken. We'll include the photo with the directory. Please ensure the faces of everyone in your family are clearly visible and include your name in the body of the email.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Number (Or landline, if that's your primary number.) *
Cell Carrier
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We will include the contact information (address, phone, email) for ONE adult member of your household in our printed directory, unless you request otherwise. Please specify your preference. *
Email Address *
Mailing Address, including City, State, Zip *
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This form was created inside of First Presbyterian Church of Midland Texas.

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