ISSS End of Year Survey
We want to make ISSS better for our members. Let us know what we did well and what we can improve on. We can't promise that we'll implement everything, but we'll do our best!
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How interesting were the CTF problems this year
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How difficult were the CTFs hosted by ISSS this year
Too easy
Too hard
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How could we make CTFs better (optional)
How interesting were the talks this year given by students
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How interesting were the talks this year given by industry professionals
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Did you feel that you had the technical background to understand the talks given this year by students
They were too complex to understand
They were too simple
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Did you feel that you had the technical background to understand the talks given this year by industry professionals
They were too complex to understand
They were too simple
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How could we make talks better (optional)
How fun were the social events hosted by ISSS this year
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How could we make social events better (optional)
How good of a job do you think ISSS is doing at diversity / inclusion
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How could we do a better job at diversity / inclusion (optional)
What time do you think would be best for CTFs next year
What time do you think would be best for talks and other events next year
If you don't attend an ISSS event, what is the most likely reason
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What is stopping people you know who don't currently attend ISSS events from attending
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Is there anything you wish an ISSS officer or industry professional would give a talk over?
Did you get the link to this survey from the CTF or from the discord
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Do you have any feedback you would like to give the ISSS officer team (optional)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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