General Information

The aim of this research is to explore identity construction and L2 use within the context of international student interactions. It delves into the ways in which (a) British students of Chinese studies in China, and (b) Chinese students of English studies in the UK, construct their identities. By comparing your experiences, the research aims to identify commonalities and differences, contributing to a nuanced understanding of the interplay between language use and identity formation. Importantly, the research solicits input from participants in both groups to gather suggestions for enhancing intercultural interactions and language learning experiences while studying abroad. 

The research comprises two phases. Phase One begins with obtaining ethical approval, prioritising participant confidentiality, obtaining informed consent, and conducting this initial online survey to collect the information needed to select participants for the main phase of the study. Initial one-on-one interviews on Teams will follow, to introduce the project, explain data collection methods, find out more about participants' prior experiences and confirm that they are happy and suitable to take part. These are anticipated to take around 30 minutes. Subsequently, participants will be invited to maintain personal diaries documenting their language learning experiences, using Qualtrics as a platform. The frequency is set at once a day for one month, with each post able to combine pictures, captions and short voice notes. Prompts to support the creation of these posts will be provided, comprising around 20 possible questions concerning language learning experiences and identity: for example, ‘How do you feel about any language class(es) you have had today?’.  It is anticipated that this will take them around 5-10 minutes per diary entry. I will then invite participants to take part in two further follow-up interviews to discuss their diary entries (around 30 minutes).   

Phase Two shifts to a Group Discussion format on Teams, facilitating a virtual exchange of experiences and collective problem-solving: i.e., what could we do to improve L2 students’ experiences? The group discussion (focus group interview) is expected to last around 60-90 minutes according to participants’ observed levels of engagement and interest.  

We appreciate your interest in participating in this questionnaire. You have been invited to participate as you are: British students with English as their first language, residing in China for language learning purposes (for the first time); or Chinese students with Mandarin as their first language, residing in the UK for language learning/degree purposes (for the first time). Please read through this information before agreeing to participate (if you wish to) by ticking the ‘yes’ box below.
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Are you willing to participate in this study?
Are you:
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Are you currently enrolled in an educational institution?

 If yes, please specify the name of the institution and your field of study.

Have you experienced interactions with local students during your study abroad experience?

Are you interested in reflecting on how language learning experiences contribute to identity construction?

If so, what aspects of identity and language learning are particularly intriguing to you?

Would you be willing to provide your contact details for potential inclusion in the study? (student email preferred)

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