NJ Libraries & Historical Societies: Maker Partner Signup

The League of Historical Societies is working to bring history to life for New Jersey’s young people by helping its members find ways to bring Makerspaces, Maker culture, and Maker programming to historical societies statewide, with the goal of making history education more exciting and impactful through hands-on, creative activities.

With the support of LibraryLinkNJ, the League is seeking to compile a directory of libraries across the state that would be willing to share their Maker expertise with local Historical Societies. Sharing might look like providing a tour of your physical makerspace if you have one, meeting with your local society to help brainstorm ideas they might use, or even partnering on some programming! All libraries who have engaged with Maker programming are encouraged to participate; high-tech tools or dedicated Makerspaces are not required.  

Interested in being listed in the League’s Directory? Fill in the simple form below by April 12th. The League will share the completed Directory with members at an upcoming May event! 

Questions? Contact:
Cristen Piatnochka, Director of Strategic Initiatives, League of Historical Societies of NJ; cristen.piatnochka@lhsnj.org  
Darby Malvey, Programming & Outreach Manager, LibraryLinkNJ; darby@librarylinknj.org    

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Library/Institution Name: *
Library/Institution Type: *
What town and county is your library or institution located in? *
Contact Person Name: *
Contact Person Phone Number: *
Contact Person Email: *
In one or two sentences, please share your library's experience with Maker programming. (For example, share whether you have a designated Makerspace with specific tools, have helped incorporate Maker projects into your school's curriculum, have hosted successful crafting programs, etc.):  *
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