Vigil Weekend Sign-Up
Use this form to sign up for the OA Vigil Weekend on September 27 - 28.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Role *
Please check all that apply.

Sponsors can assist with the first Whisper and last Whisper, but are not permitted to assist between as they need to be sleeping.
Your Dietary Restrictions? *
Breakfast will be served in the morning on Saturday. Please note any dietary restrictions here.
Candidate Dietary Restrictions
Please note the candidate's dietary restrictions if known. Enter "Not known" if you do not know if the candidate has restrictions. Otherwise, leave blank if there are no restrictions. Put N/A if you are not sponsoring a candidate for this event.
Is there anything else we need to know?
I recognize that I need to bring a filled out BSA medical form part A & B to this event and turn it in.
Medical Form Found Here

I also understand that if I am driving home from the event, there is an expectation that I am sleeping during part of the event. I agree that I will not drive home if I have stayed up all night.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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