Application for ODU REU in Transportation
Please fill in all required fields
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Gender *
Race *
Are you a person with a disability? *
Are you a veteran or from a military family? *
Are you a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident (green card)? *
Current school *
Major *
Level *
Start date of undergraduate study *
Expected graduation date of undergraduate study *
Select your FIRST choice project you wish to apply (described in the "projects" tab) *
Select your SECOND choice project you wish to apply (described in the "projects" tab) *
Select your THIRD choice project you wish to apply (described in the "projects" tab) *
How did you hear this REU program? *
Supporting documents (all required)
1) Cover letter (up to 1 page): describe your interest in transportation, career or academic goals and any relevant transportation or research experience.
2) Resume or CV: list educational, work, and research experience, special skills, and any honors, awards, and qualifications.
3) Unofficial transcripts from all colleges you have attended. Official transcripts will be required if accepted into the program.
4) A writing sample (up to 5 pages).
5) A letter of recommendation sent directly to the email address below.

Please save the documents with the following file names:
Your Name - Cover letter - Today’s Date    (Example:  Jane Doe - Cover letter - 3-1-20)
Your Name - Resume - Today’s Date    (Example:  Jane Doe - Resume - 3-1-20)
Your Name - Transcript - Today’s Date   (Example: Jane Doe - Transcript - 3-1-20)
Your Name - Writing sample - Today’s Date   (Example: Jane Doe - Writing sample - 3-1-20)
Please submit all supporting documents to:
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