Lunchtime Learning Series FREE Webinar - Aspects of a Holistic Cropping Plan for a Community Farm (registration required)

Sarah Williford, an experienced vegetable farmer, Holistic Management International Whole Farm Community Trainer, former HMI board member and co-founder of East Brook Farm in Walton, NY will be joining us for this special Lunchtime Learning Series webinar focusing on stories of success!

Join us for this FREE webinar to learn more! Presentation & live Q&A!

Sarah will be co-facilitating our upcoming Holistic Cropping Planning Interactive Online Course with Certified Educator Preston Sullivan. In that course they will guide participants through the creation of a cropping plan based on YOUR Holistic Goal! They will discuss principles and practices to build soil fertility, how to create a field map, how to develop a crop sequence, how to integrate your crop plan with your financial plan and generally how to get your crops to the right place at the right time for the right reasons! Learn more about that course here!

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Have you participated in an HMI Training or Webinar in the past? Please explain:
As a non-profit, it is important for us to report on how many acres we influence with our trainings. How many acres do you manage?  *
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You will be receiving an email with the Zoom link to join the webinar on February 6th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST (please note the time zone). If you have any questions, please contact Program Manager, Marie von Ancken, 
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