Multifaith Advocate Award

Nominated by an ACSLHE institutional/endorsed member, this award recognizes a chaplaincy and spiritual life partner for their advocacy or religion and spirituality as a critical piece of their work.

Award Criteria:

  • Nominator must be an ACSLHE institutional/endorsed member
  • Nominee can be a student affairs partner, faculty, affiliate, or national/local organization—to name a few. Nominee cannot be a chaplain or a religious/spiritual life staff member.
  • Nominee’s core responsibility or mission isn’t directly related to religion/spirituality but had provided advocacy of/for religion and spirituality as a critical piece of their work.
The nominee demonstrates the following ACSLHE Values:
  • Professional Development, Excellence, and Ethical Practices
  • Relational Collegiality and Shared Wisdom
  • Radical Welcome of Religious Pluralism, Spiritualities, and Worldviews
  • Social Justice, Equity, and Respect for Humanity

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