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Pertandingan Video Pendek Hari Malaysia 2024
“Memekarkan Kepelbagaian Melalui Sukan!”
Malaysia Day Short Video Contest 2024
"Diversity Thrives in Sports”
报名表格 / Borang Penyertaan / Entry Form
* 请阅读比赛简章后再填写报名表格。
* Sila baca Syarat Pertandingan sebelum mengisi borang.
* Please read Terms and Conditions before fill in this form.
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* Indicates required question
1. 英文姓名 / Name / Nama:
Your answer
1.1 组员英文姓名 / Name of Team member(s) / Nama Rakan Sekumpulan:
一组5人为上限 / Maksima 5 orang satu kumpulan / Maksimum 5 people in a team
单人参赛则忽略此项 / Abaikan item ini bagi peserta individu / Ignore this item for individual contestant
Eg. Tan Xiao Ming, Ali bin Muhammad, ...
Your answer
2. 中文姓名(如有) / Chinese Name (If have) / Nama Mandarin (kalau ada):
Your answer
2.1 组员中文姓名(如有) / Chinese Name of Team member(s) (If have) / Nama Mandarin Rakan Sekumpulan (kalau ada):
一组5人为上限 / Maksima 5 orang satu kumpulan / Maksimum 5 people in a team
单人参赛则忽略此项 / Abaikan item ini bagi peserta individu / Ignore this item for individual contestant
Your answer
3. 身份证/护照号码或相关证件 / I.C. No., Passport No. or related documents no / Nombor I.C., Pasport atau dokumen berkaitan:
Your answer
4. 手机号码 / Phone number / Nombor telefon bimbit:
Your answer
5. 学校、大学、职务/ School, University, Occupation / Sekolah, Universiti, pekerjaan:
Your answer
6. 邮寄地址 / Mailing Address / Alamat Surat-menyurat:
Your answer
7. 银行帐号资料 / Bank Account / Akaun Bank:
/ Kindly provide
Bank Name
Account No
. / Sila isi
Nama Bank
No. Akaun
(eg: RHB: 00XXXXX)
Your answer
8. TNG 账号(如有) / TNG e-wallet (If you have):
(eg: Name: YAP HENG LUNG: 016-1234567)
Your answer
9. 如何获知活动消息(可复选) / How did you get the information about this event? (multiple choice) / Bagaimana anda mendapat tahu aktiviti ini? (aneka pilihan):
社媒/Social Media/Media Sosial
网络媒体/Online Media/Media Online
家人或朋友/Family or friends/Ahli keluarga atau kawan
主办单位电邮/E-mail from organiser/Emel daripada pihak penganjur
10. 短片/ Short Video / Video Pendek (YouTube Link)
Please ensure the video is entitled and closing credits. (If any)
Please ensure to provide bi-lingual subtitles (If any)
Please ensure the uploaded YouTube video is "
Your answer
11.短片预告 / Teaser (YouTube Link)
Your answer
12. 声明 1 /Declaration 1 / Deklarasi 1:
本人同意并遵守此摄影比赛简章之规则。/ I hereby agree to the rules and regulations of this photo contest. / Bahawanya saya akan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan pertandingan ini.
13. 声明 2 / Declaration 2 / Deklarasi 2:
I have read the "Personal Data Protection Notice for Dong Zong" on Dong Zong's website (
). I understand how Dong Zong handles and uses my data, and I agree to provide personal information for the specific purpose of this form and related affairs.
Saya telah membaca "Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi bagi Dong Zong" di laman web Dong Zong (
), dan memahami bagaimana Dong Zong mengendalikan dan menggunakan data peribadi saya. Saya setuju untuk memberikan maklumat peribadi untuk tujuan borang ini dan urusan yang berkaitan.
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This form was created inside of United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong).
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