Hudson River Museum | Child's Planetarium Birthday Party Inquiry

Celebrate your child’s next birthday at the Museum, by letting us take you and your guests on an exclusive tour through the stars! (Ideal for children ages 4-10 years.)

Birthday Parties include:
  • Hands-on art activity in the Greene Education Center led by the Museum’s award-winning Junior Docents (materials included)
  • Personalized 30-minute Star Show in the Planetarium--see the stars as they were on your child’s day and time of birth!
  • Private party room in the Museum’s Joyce Greene Education Center
Parties can be scheduled on Saturday or Sunday, for late morning or late afternoon (subject to availability).

The base fee is $700 for morning parties and $800 for afternoon parties, and includes up to 30 guests. *PLEASE NOTE* Additional guests are $15 each, up to a maximum of 50 guests total.

Current HRM Members at the Family level or above receive $50 off their party reservation!
Not a Member? Join today to receive your discount and enjoy FREE admission to the Museum and Planetarium, plus a 15% discount to the Museum Store, for a year!

Rules and Restrictions: 
  1. At least one adult for every 10 children is required.   
  2. Refreshments, decorations, paper goods, and party favors are not included in the party fee.
  3. Alcoholic beverages of any kind are prohibited at children’s parties.
  4. Decorations must be limited to table-top décor and cannot be attached to the walls or ceilings.
  5. Glitter, confetti, and candles are not permitted in Museum spaces.

A signed agreement and a deposit of 50% of the total fee is required to book your date.
Cancellations must be made at least 30 days in advance to avoid forfeiture of deposit.
The remaining balance is due 5 business days before the event; late payments may result in the termination of your event and a forfeiture of deposit.

***We greatly value your interest in hosting an event at the Museum, and appreciate your patience. Due to the high volume of requests received each day, we are only able to respond to those which we can reasonably accommodate. We recommend booking your party 2-3 months in advance.***
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First & Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Telephone Number: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Are you a Member of the Museum? *
Today's Date: *
Desired Party Date: *
Preferred Event Time *
Child's name: *
Child's day of birth (used to personalize Planetarium show): *
Child's time of birth (used to personalize Planetarium show): *
Expected number of guests (including adults, max of 50 total) *PLEASE NOTE: 30 guests, adults and children included, are covered under the base party rate. Any additional guest (adults and children) is an additional $15 per head.*  *
Other information or questions for HRM staff:
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