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Westminster School Transcript Request
The Registrar's Office is open Monday-Friday. Please allow 2 business days from receipt of request for processing.
If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar at 860-408-3043.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Last Name
Your answer
First Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Graduation Year or Approximate Years of Attendance
Your answer
I am a:
Current Student
Alumnus/Former Student
School Registrar/Counselor
If you are requesting a transcript for someone other than yourself, please provide the name of the student/alum:
Your answer
I am requesting:
Official transcript (sent directly to a school, university, employer, organization, etc.)
Unofficial transcript (sent directly to me)
Both official and unofficial copies
To better assist you, please indicate the reason(s) for your request:
Initial college application
Athletic recruitment
College transfer
Applying for scholarship or educational program
Personal records
Education or employment verification
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