Wholesale Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in Baublerella! Please fill out the form below and one of the Baublerella Girls will reach out in 1-2 business days.
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Email *
How did you hear about Baublerella? *
If referred by another boutique, what is the store name? We would love to send them a thank you!
What is the name of your boutique? *
How would you best describe your boutique? *
Who is the main contact? (Please list first & last name) *
What is your phone number? *
What is your store address? *
Are you aware of another boutique in your area that carries Baublerella? *
Which products are you interested in carrying? *
Where can we find you on Instagram? *
Please provide your sales tax ID number. *
Baublerella does not authorize the sale of our products to third party websites such as Amazon, eBay, etc. I understand that selling to a third party website or unauthorized retailer will result in termination of wholesale account privileges. *
I understand that Baublerella carefully reviews territories to prevent over saturation in the market and that Baublerella is in no way obligated to approve my application. *
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