Sydney Southeast Orchestra 2017 - Application
The Sydney Southeast Orchestra is an exciting opportunity open to public school students in the Sydney area who play strings, woodwind, brass or percussion instruments. The Orchestra is open to students from years 5-8 and is especially aimed at players who may not have an orchestra program in their school or area. The main activity of the Orchestra is a three-day residential camp, held at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre. During the camp, students will take part in rehearsals, sectionals and tutorials with specialist musicians. The Orchestra have a few additional rehearsals in preparation for performances including the Sydney Southeast Showcase.
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Name *
School *
School year *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Do you identify as Aboriginal/Torres Trait Islander/ Non English Speaking Background? (This quesiton is purely for statistical purposes)
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Instrument you play *
Experience on your instrument (years played, level achieved etc.)
Parent Name(s) *
Parent contact: Email *
Parent contact: Phone *
I would like my child to be considered for the Sydney Southeast Orchestra 2016. I understand that selection may be subject to availability of places and that successful selection may involve an audition, rehearsals and performances that they should be available for. *
Additional question: Have you been involved in the Sydney Southeast Orchestra in the past?
Additional question: Does your school have a band or orchestra program?
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