GATA Fall North 2014-15
This tournament to be held at Flowery Branch HS on 4 October 2014
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School Name *
School Address *
Coach's Name *
Coach's Email *
Contact's Phone Number *
Volunteers *
Please indicate below the names of the workers you can bring and if they can be a reader or scorekeeper. For example, Jane Smith (R), John Doe (S).
How many buzzer systems can you bring? *
How many Junior Varsity teams would you like to register? *
Students must be in grades 10 and under. Total number of teams from any school cannot exceed 3.
How many Novice teams would you like to register? *
Students must be in the first year of high school quiz bowl competition. Total number of teams from any school cannot exceed 3.
How many lunches would you like to reserve? *
Lunches are $5 each and can be purchased at check-in on the day of the tournament; however, we need to know how many orders to place before the tournament begins.
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