Feedback on e-learning course: The Evidence-based Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage Haemorrhage
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1. Hospital: *
2. Country: *
3. Job: *
4. How long have you been working in Obstetrics?
(House Officers only)
5. Internet connection available: *
6. Evaluation of the course: *
Please tick the appropriate box.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The course was interesting:
The course will change my practice:
The content of this course was at the right difficulty level for me:
Much of the information was relevant for me:
I enjoyed doing this course:
This course will be useful for doctors/nurses working in primary health care:
I clicked on links to documents:
I found it easy to navigate through this course:
I would recommend this course to a friend:
I would take similar courses on other health topics:
7.  Course modules ranking: *
Please rank the modules in order of their usefulness: 1 - the most useful to 6 - the least useful.
Module 1 - What is Postpartum Haemorrhage?
Module 2 - What are the risks for PPH and how can they be minimised?
Module 3 - How should postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) be managed?
Module 4 - How should a retained placenta be managed?
Module 5 - How should secondary postpartum haemorrhage be treated?
Module 6 - Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) risk management
8.1 Module 1 - What is Postpartum Haemorrhage? *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
8.2 Module 2 - What are the risks for PPH and how can they be minimised? *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
8.3 Module 3 - How should postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) be managed? *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
8.4 Module 4 - How should a retained placenta be managed? *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
8.5 Module 5 - How should secondary postpartum haemorrhage be treated? *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
8.6 Module 6 - Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) risk management *
Please indicate how long the module took to complete (time taken in minutes).
9. Please list procedures or drugs recommended in the course that are not routinely available to you or are not standard practice in your country: *
10. What are the barriers to the use or implementation of the recommendations made in the course? *
11. Do you have any solutions to overcome these barriers? *
12. Please indicate below any further comments you have about the course: *
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