Emotionally Healthy Legacy I’m Podcast Survey
I'm planning my content for 2024, I want my content (podcast and emails) to support YOU! In order to do that, I need to learn more about what you want most when it comes to supportive motherhood content.

As a thank you for you time, you get a chance to win a FREE 45 min coaching session with me. Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill out this short survey -- it means a lot!

All responses will be anonymous. Please complete by Jan 31, 2024.
What's your biggest motherhood struggle right now?

If you could snap your fingers and have one aspect of being a mom immediately & magically feel better, what would that be?
Your answer
What is one thing that you feel like is preventing you from being the mom YOU want to be? *
Your answer
What was the most helpful Emotionally Healthy Legacy podcast episode you listened to in 2023, and why was it helpful? *
Your answer
For me, the hardest part about being a mom is (check all that apply)

What is one topic you would LOVE for me to cover on the podcast?
Your answer
Is there anything else you want me to know?
Your answer
What is the best way I can support you in 2024? Podcast/Challenges/Coaching/Workshops/Stand alone coaching calls? *
Your answer
Thank you SO much for taking the time to complete this survey! I really appreciate it, and I know your time is super valuable. 

Drop your email here if you'd like to be entered into a drawing to win Free 45 min Coaching call with me as a thank you for your time. 

(I won't connect this with your responses & will only use it to collect emails for the drawing.)

Your answer
Have you left Emotionally Healthy Legacy a rating and a review yet? It would bless me so much if you leave me a review! Thank you friend. 

Scroll down to ratings and reviews and click on: WRITE A REVIEW. 
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