Breakfast Club BLFC Badges!
Thanks for your interest in getting a Breakfast Club badge from Mitti! Please fill out this form to make things easier on everyone :
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What's the name you'd like on the badge? *
What's your email address? *
IF DIFFERENT, what's your PayPal email address?
Please only enter if it's a DIFFERENT EMAIL thanks c:
Tell me about your character! *
At least one full-body, full-color image please!
Which character from TBC would you like your character as? *
Here's the trailer for the movie : but I totally totally recommend watching the whole movie if you haven't
Are there any other details you'd like me to keep in mind?
What's your TEAM NAME? (optional)
A Team is a group of five people who are all going in together on a full set of badges; one of each character. Each team member must enter their own commission details individually; entering a team name helps me keep track of who gets a discount ;)  
By clicking "I agree", you agree to pick up your badge at some point at BLFC, and you understand that failure to do so will NOT result in a badge getting shipped to you. *
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