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Interest Survey for EA Online Social Events
This survey is being conducted by the organisers who ran the online International Icebreakers socials during March-August 2020.

We are doing this survey to gauge interest in future international online social events for the EA community and specifically what platforms we should use.

Please email if you have any questions or want to discuss this in more detail.
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Note: by social events we mean events to focused on meeting other EAs & especially good for socialising (e.g. having high-quality and/or fun conversations). We are NOT talking about talks, presentations, fellowships or more formal reading/discussion groups.
Which social events would you be interested in attending?
*Optional* Do you have any preferences for social events hosted by different groups?
Why do you attend online social events? Select all that apply.
If you've considered going to an online social event in the past and chosen not to go, what were some reasons for not going?
What platforms have you used that you think are especially good for forming strong social connections & good conversations?
*Optional* Do you have any additional comments on the platforms?
What time zone are you in? Pick the timezone closest to yours *
What days do you generally prefer to attend online events? Answer this for the timezone you chose above.
Morning (9am-12pm)
Afternoon (12pm-5pm)
Evening (5pm-10pm)
If you'd like to know about future online international events or socials, please provide your email here:
Have you attended any Icebreaker events in the past?
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*Optional* Do you have any additional comments to make on social events?
We'd be curious to know: events that worked particularly well or poorly, more information about your motivations to attend events, your goals for attending events or anything else you think is relevant!
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